Liquid concentrate for the stable
Combines Eggersmann MikroHerbs and effective microorganisms - to improve a healthy climate in stables
In connection with regular cleaning, EMH Stable Hygiene balances out the natural microbial environment of your animals stable. This optimizes the good health of your beloved pets, Horses or chickens:
- the pressure of infections is lowered by the reduced spread of pathofenic germs
- lungs and airways are less stressed due to the reduction of unhealthy gas formation
- avoids unpleasant odors
- persistant dirt can be removed more easily
- counteracts the proliferation of insects
Effective microorganisms help to suppress unwanted microorganisms such as pathogenic germs and putrefactive bacteria. These properties are important to keep the microbial environment all around the animal in natural balance. As a result, nasty odors and ammonia gases will be reduced and insects as well as parasites are no more attracted to proliferate within the stable. Using EMH Stable Hygiene regularly, the well-being of pets, horses, chickens or other animal species will be improved and furthermore composting processes e.g. on dunghill will be accelerated. EMH Stable Hygiene is suitable for use on all stable surfaces as well as cleaning mangers, drinking trough, bowls etc.